So, one big question may come to mind.
1. Well Sha-Sha, a how do I know what my hair needs?
2. What's my hair type?
To answer your first question, Audrey Sivasothy, author of the Science of Black Hair, has a great demonstration on how to be able to tell exactly what your hair needs. To tackle that second question, here's a quick hair type reference I've found helpful.
Well, right away, I knew that my hair needed some serious protein. So I turned to my Old Faithful Deep Conditioner. Believe this or not, I have always been interested in how things work, why they work, what happens they are combined, putting things together, and analyzing at the outcome. I guess that explains my science background. But anyway, when I was relaxed, as a teenager I remember going into the kitchen on Saturday mornings to create different mixes and "experiment" with things we already had. This is where I learned to develop skin and hair care regimens for myself. As a result of trial and error, I came up with my Old Faithful Deep Conditioner mix. It's pretty simple.
- 2 heaping tablespoons of Dukes Mayonaise
- 1 farm fresh egg for every 2 tablespoons of mayo
- 1 teaspoon olive oil
- Optional 1 teaspoon Avacado Oil
That's it. Mix until thick, but easy to spread. If you need more mayo add a bit more, if too thick, add a bit more oil. It doesn't have to be perfect! If you run out, just repeat the recipe for more.
My hair literally curled up and became "bouncy" like it had a "wake up call". As I applied the mixture. I will tell you, the smell of the mixture is, for lack of a better description, not very pleasing (to say the least). It's quite funky to be honest, but really if you can get over the smell, your hair will get exactly what it needs.
The smell literally is the catalist to speed up your application process. Trust me, you'll be fine. In about 15-20 minutes it will all be over. This is how I did it
My hair literally curled up and became "bouncy" like it had a "wake up call". As I applied the mixture. I will tell you, the smell of the mixture is, for lack of a better description, not very pleasing (to say the least). It's quite funky to be honest, but really if you can get over the smell, your hair will get exactly what it needs.

The smell literally is the catalist to speed up your application process. Trust me, you'll be fine. In about 15-20 minutes it will all be over. This is how I did it
- I sectioned off my hair in 4 parts
- Apply the mixture from root to tip with an applicator brush (I had an old one from Sally Beauty Supply I used)
- Make your way around your entire head.
- Once complete, rinse out with luke warm water section by section
- Shampoo with a conditioning shampoo, and finish up your normal wash routine. Apply your moisturizer, leave-in conditioner, and oils that you typically use.

Voila! My Sha-Sha fro came right back to her old bounce and moisture.
The best moisturizer I've found for styling my hair is Shea Moisture's Curl Enhancing Smoothie. This is a must have in my bathroom. It's an all natural product, filled with hair goodness! I absolutely love it. I will tell you, this 4c hair, can often be a challenge to manage. But honestly, I wouldn't have it any other way.
What are your staple products that work best for your hair?
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